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Interesting gambling books
World's Greatest Blackjack Book
by Lance Humble
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An excellent book for those moving up from beginner status, offers the effective Hi-Opt I betting system, tips on picking the right dealers, which is not only a very good counting system but is also a jumping off point for more advanced counts such as the Hi-Opt II. The book also details ways to detect cheating.
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Interesting gambling books
Play to Win: A World Champion's Guide to Winning Blackjack Tournaments
by Ken Einiger
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Brooklyn-born Einiger is a tournament champion, having won the 2005 World Series of Blackjack on national television. Einiger takes you through the basic concepts can make you competitive in blackjack tournaments providing everything you need to become a winner. Includes 15-page listing of casinos in the U.S. with phone numbers.

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Blackjack Books and Reviews

How to Detect Casino Cheating at Blackjack
by Bill Zender

How to Detect Casino Cheating at Blackjack Book
The information here has never been made available to the general public in the past. Till now, it's been the domain of casino surveillance experts...and the cheats themselves, Players who have suspected casino (and private game) cheating might be surprised by some of the revelations here. Casino execs will find a wealth of information on how their dealers might do them in. Dozens of methods discussed, including the Short Deck; Cooler Decks; Selective Up Card; Switching the Hole Card.
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Ken Uston on Blackjack
by Ken Uston

Ken Uston on Blackjack Book
A legendary figure at the '21' tables in Nevada and Atlantic City casinos, Ken Uston and his 'team' won more than $5,000,000. He had the distinction of being barred from a number of casinos and used facial disguises to get into action. This book divulges Uston's priceless playing secrets.
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Knock-Out Blackjack
by Olaf Vancura

Knock-Out Blackjack Book
Knock-out Blackjack is an excellent book for any player looking or one of the easiest and strongest professional-level systems ever published. According to the authors, the scientifically devised Knock-out count can be used profitably anywhere blackjack is played.
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Mensa Guide to Blackjack
by Joshua Hornik

Mensa Guide to Blackjack Book
These are the smartest, simplest, most solid strategies for winning blackjack ever--even a total novice can bet on it. Hornik belongs to a group of professionals who prove their talents at the table every day (MIT blackjack team), and he knows the system for coming out on top. It's all about counting the cards--do it right and the odds are on your side. He explains blackjack's rules and basic tactics, how to do the actual card counting, and how to use the information the numbers reveal to make the right bets. Back-counting, comps and heat, shuffle tracking, ace tracking, and playing with a team--it's all covered.

Million Dollar Blackjack
by Ken Uston

Million Dollar Blackjack Book
Uston was one of the legendary card counters who traveled the world beating the casinos. This major best-seller covers strategies for all major casino areas-Reno, Las Vegas, (single and multiple decks) Atlantic City, Bahamas. Offers Uston Ace-Five Count for the intermediate player, Simple or Advanced Plus-Minus Count strategy for advanced players. Contains his Advanced Point Count. Covers front-loading, spooking, cheating from both sides of table.

Most Powerful Blackjack Manual
by Jay Moore

Most Powerful Blackjack Manual Book
Any book can teach the rules and basic plays of blackjack, but only this one offers real insight into the mental game-particularly the winning combination of analytical thinking, self-discipline, and cool decision-making that will give you an immediate edge at the table. Using the author's proven 'Delayed and Up' method, as well as detailed analysis of more than 20,000 actual casino hands, you'll learn to recognize when you have the advantage over the dealer, determine the best ways to manage rules variations, and significantly increase your chances of winning.all without counting cards.

Play to Win: A World Champion's Guide to Winning Blackjack Tournaments
by Ken Einiger

Play to Win: A World Champion's Guide to Winning Blackjack Tournaments Book

Brooklyn-born Einiger is a tournament champion, having won the 2005 World Series of Blackjack on national television. Einiger takes you through the basic concepts can make you competitive in blackjack tournaments providing everything you need to become a winner. Includes 15-page listing of casinos in the U.S. with phone numbers.

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Playing Blackjack as a Business
by Lawrence Revere

Playing Blackjack as a Business Book
One of the finest works on the subject, like fine wine, this essential book improves with age. It carved out a fast pace for the counter's revolution in blackjack. With an assist in computer work by the brilliant Julian Braun, this controversial Las Vegas operator compiled an instruction book on blackjack based on 25 years in the gambling business.
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Sklansky Talks Blackjack
by David Sklanskly

Sklansky Talks Blackjack Book
The author of numerous books on gambling theory, Sklansky believes that the reason why most people don't excel at the beatable game of blackjack is because they think expert play is too hard. In this book, he does away with the charts and tables and breaks the game down into a technique he calls “talking” you through everything you need to truly “beat” this popular game.
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Smarter Bet Guide to Blackjack
by Basil Nestor

Smarter Bet Guide to Blackjack Book
Strategy is the key to success at the blackjack table; that's a mathematical fact, and you can count on these expert, easy-to-learn tactics to make you a victor. Here's the deal: everything begins with the basic rules, and they're laid out on these pages with smart little “factoid” tips. Go through blackjack economics, which explain why cards fall the way they do, and what makes a good (and a sucker) bet. Easy-to-follow tables suggest strategies for splitting pairs and soft hands and provide dozens of other statistics and card probabilities.
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The Counter
by Kevin Blackwood

The Counter Book
This is an authentic, gambling novel, written by someone who spent years in the trenches. This book offers a rare glimpse into the intriguing life of a professional card counter, certainly one of the world's most unique occupations. The protagonist, Raven Townsend, decides he's too good for Maine and shuns his poor New England upbringing. His grandiose plans of becoming a famous Biblical archaeologist suddenly get shelved when he takes a detour into the world of high stakes blackjack. His exceptional mathematical gifts, phenomenal memory, and incredible determination enable him to succeed where most fail—but at the expense of his girlfriend and original dreams. Raven's quest to win a million dollars in blackjack becomes the driving force in his life. However, a sharp-eyed casino surveillance expert stands in the way of Raven's goal, producing a dramatic, page-turning finish in casinos from Reno to the Caribbean.

The Counting Game
by Alan Berg

The Counting Game Book
Blackjack has long fascinated--and defeated--players who think they have the system to win. Berg tells how he beat the odds at the blackjack tables again and again. He exposes the new tricks he discovered through his experiences and his strong relationship with statistics from his long career as a CPA. Unlike more technical gambling books, this one is written to aid players of all levels.
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Theory of Blackjack
by Peter Griffin

Theory of Blackjack Book
For the serious player who can handle college-level math. Includes definition and analysis of basic strategy; approximating bet and strategy variation; single parameter counting systems; multiparameter counting systems; the importance of grouping cards; insurance; distribution of probability; likely consequences of errors in counting systems; betting gain in two-four decks. One of the most important books on blackjack with charts, tables and formulas for almost every variation.

World's Greatest Blackjack Book
by Lance Humble

World's Greatest Blackjack Book Book
An excellent book for those moving up from beginner status, offers the effective Hi-Opt I betting system, tips on picking the right dealers, which is not only a very good counting system but is also a jumping off point for more advanced counts such as the Hi-Opt II. The book also details ways to detect cheating.
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